Today was so much fun. I cut my hand when i was opening a nunchuk for our wii. I really hate how many electronics are in the really tight plastic packages that are almost impossible to open. Maybe it is a test to make sure that the user is worthy. I guess I am and I get an awesome battle scar ;)
We also have 15 people staying at our house besides our family. That means there will be 22 people sharing 4 rooms and 5 beds plus some air mattresses and sleeping bags. It is going to be an interesting 8 days.
In order to prepare for this exciting week, I spent the day cleaning. It feels good to see the efforts of my labor, but all the stress in all the members of my family was not worth it. I am pretty sure everyone in my family cried at least once today except my dad. That is pretty pathetic.
I love cleanliness. Sometimes I don't like to clean, but I love having clean space. There is something so freeing about clean open space. So, it was nice, but now I have to give all my clean space to our visitors, not that it is bad, I just miss my space.
I also got an email from my roommate for next year. I am super excited! We are going to have so much fun. We are going to make aprons and door signs; we are going to throw tons of parties. It is going to be crazy. Next semester will be incredible!
I am now going to nurse my wound and go to bed now. After I convince my dad to stop watching Doctor Who with little kids in the room. Goodnight!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
And I would answer all your wishes if you asked me too...
First things first, I was given a great present for my birthday. I was given knowledge. My friend told me about this fantastic English band called McFly. I have been listening to them nonstop for the past few days. That is how I am with music. If I like it, I listen to it until I know all the words to it and it gets sickeningly old. Then I move on. It is kind of like I have to really learn it and then I don't want it. Oh, how fickle I am!
So, right now I am still in the passionately enthralled phase with them. The reason I bring this up is my blog title comes from one of their songs. I am working on trying to figure their music out. It is still a bit of an enigma to me. I keep trying to place their music into a category, but depending on the song, they remind me of someone else. Oh well.
This post part 2:
(I didn't want to think of a good segue. So I didn't. Sorry for people who like to read things that are well thought through and take time. I am not that kind of girl. so you are stuck with "this post part 2:" Now, on to part 2!)
As part of the 888 challenge and my life reading challenge, I am reading The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. (SIDENOTE: I have come to a discovery that not all nonfiction books are boring. who knew?) I was reading about how some people are more emotionally receptive and others are more emotionally emanative. I don't know were I fall on the spectrum, but I it got me thinking about how our mood affects the moods of those around us. And how I can have an impact on people by changing my attitude.
I have decide that I need to smile more. I realize that I don't smile as much as I could/should. Research has shown a correlation between mimicking facial expressions and having those emotions effect your emotional state. For instance, if you smile you will start to feel happy. Even if this doesn't rub off on others, like I hope it will, at least i will be happy. So, in order to promote a happy lifestyle, I will start to smile. Wish me luck :)
So, right now I am still in the passionately enthralled phase with them. The reason I bring this up is my blog title comes from one of their songs. I am working on trying to figure their music out. It is still a bit of an enigma to me. I keep trying to place their music into a category, but depending on the song, they remind me of someone else. Oh well.
This post part 2:
(I didn't want to think of a good segue. So I didn't. Sorry for people who like to read things that are well thought through and take time. I am not that kind of girl. so you are stuck with "this post part 2:" Now, on to part 2!)
As part of the 888 challenge and my life reading challenge, I am reading The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. (SIDENOTE: I have come to a discovery that not all nonfiction books are boring. who knew?) I was reading about how some people are more emotionally receptive and others are more emotionally emanative. I don't know were I fall on the spectrum, but I it got me thinking about how our mood affects the moods of those around us. And how I can have an impact on people by changing my attitude.
I have decide that I need to smile more. I realize that I don't smile as much as I could/should. Research has shown a correlation between mimicking facial expressions and having those emotions effect your emotional state. For instance, if you smile you will start to feel happy. Even if this doesn't rub off on others, like I hope it will, at least i will be happy. So, in order to promote a happy lifestyle, I will start to smile. Wish me luck :)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I love the way she glows in ultraviolet light
Everyone thinks I am a dork, but I love Icelandic. I am infatuated with everything Icelandic. I don't know what it is, the language or the culture or what, but I want to be Icelandic. I want to go there and look at it's fjords and eat Icelandic candy while listening to Icelandic music. I can pass on traditional Icelandic food ;)
I am totally excited because I am taking an Icelandic class next semester and I can't wait! I have a dream that one day I will be able to write and speak fluently. I spent a lot of time today writing to my friends in Icelandic and it got me all excited because it reminded me that I only have a few more months before I will be doing all the time for class.
Anyway, I am super excited, that's all.
P.S. I am thinking of getting an Icelandic BOM. Am I ridiculous?
I am totally excited because I am taking an Icelandic class next semester and I can't wait! I have a dream that one day I will be able to write and speak fluently. I spent a lot of time today writing to my friends in Icelandic and it got me all excited because it reminded me that I only have a few more months before I will be doing all the time for class.
Anyway, I am super excited, that's all.
P.S. I am thinking of getting an Icelandic BOM. Am I ridiculous?
Monday, June 16, 2008
The 888 challenge
I decided to do the 888 challenge. These are my categories:
Jane Austins I haven't read:
Movie Books
Left to Read: 42
Jane Austins I haven't read:
Persuasion- Mansfield Park
- Northanger Abbey
- Emma
Lady SusanThe Watsons- Sanditon
Love and Friendship
Blink by Malcolm GladwellThe Tipping Point by Malcolm GladwellNerds by David AndereggEats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss- The elements of style by William Strunk Jr.
- American Nerd by Benjamin Nugent
- The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
- The Self-Healing Personality by Dr. Howard S. Freidman
- Guardians of the West
- King of the Murgos
- Demon Lord of Karanda
- Sorceress of Darshiva
- The Seeress of Kell
- Belgarath the Sorcerer
- Polgara the Sorceress
- The Rivan Codex
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by AviBlink by Malcolm GladwellAngels and Demons by Dan BrownThe Persian Pickle Club by Sandra DallasPrincess Academy by Shannon Hale- The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
- The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
A Wrinkle in Time- A Wind in the Door
- A Swiftly Tilting Planet
- Many Waters
- The Arm of the Starfish
- Dragons in the Water
- A house like a Lotus
- An Acceptable Time
The Giver by Lois Lowery- The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
- Lord of the Flies by William Golding
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle- Animal Farm by George Orwell
- Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
- The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm by Brothers Grimm
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
The Legend of Sleepy Hollowby Washington Irving- The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
- Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
- The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte- Notre-Dame of Paris (The Hunchback of Notre-Dame) by Victor Hugo
- Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
Movie Books
- A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks
- Stardust by Neil Gaiman
Howl's Moving Castle by Diane Wynne Jones- Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens
The Scarlet Pimpernelby Baroness Emmuska Orczy- Chocolat by Joanne Harris
- The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
Mimzy Were the Borogroves by Lewis Padgett
Left to Read: 42
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Some Hearts
I have been thinking about anti-intellectualism recently. I am reading a book called Nerds by David Anderegg. I was expecting it to be about anti-intellectualism in America. I discovered that David Anderegg is a child psychologist and book is more about the nerd stereotype and how it is affecting our children and how that is changing America.
I find that many of the points he brings up I can't identify with. I think that mainly has to do with a few things about my life that are uncommon. First, he talked about how the many girls don't pursue a career in math or science because of social pressure that tells them it is unattractive to be more intelligent than boys. He brought up the point that many schools feel that girls and boys should be educated separately than boys in math and science to reduce this pressure. For middle school, I went to a Private Girls School which heavily emphasized math and science. Because of this school, I excelled in math and science and took very advanced classes in High School. I believe part of the main reason why I went there was because my parents felt this is an issue and then wanted to prevent that. Since I haven't felt the pressure myself to dumb myself down for boys, I can't really identify with this societal problem.
Next, Anderegg talks about the portrayal of nerds and how that affects a child's behavior. Since the concept of a nerd is difficult to understand, most young children believe a nerd is a suck-up, someone who pleases the adults around him. The problem that occurs with that is children that hear their parents make jokes about nerds logically believe that if they are to be liked by their parents, then they shouldn't be nerdy. This is also an idea that is foreign to me. My dad is a huge nerd but he defies the traditional stereotype of a nerd. Since I have grown up with my dad as a norm, I never really had the need to rebel. Even now, I don't really feel the negative connotation that most people associate with the term nerd. It is my secret aspiration.
The other day, before I started reading this book, I was talking with my mom.I told here that the two things that bug me the most seem like opposites. The first thing is I hate people underestimating my intelligence. This actually happens a lot. I am blond and I sometime a bit slow and sometime I do dumb things. However, I am not stupid. So, when people see me and try to dumb things down for me, it makes me really angry. The second thing is when people think I am smart. I know it sounds like a contradiction, but it is not. Before I changed my major, back when I was still an electrical engineering major, when they asked, I would tell them my major. One of the most common responses was "Oh, you must be smart." Well, my problem with that statement is to them it is not a good thing. They have just classified me as one of those "smart people" that they can't associate with because I am too smart. Now, that usually doesn't happen, but it just as insulting as if it were true.
Why do Americans look down on those who are smart? Has our success as a country pushed us so far that we believe we don't intelligence and a good work ethic? Is this why our national leadership has suffered? America, it is time to step up and reevaluate who we are and what we want.
I find that many of the points he brings up I can't identify with. I think that mainly has to do with a few things about my life that are uncommon. First, he talked about how the many girls don't pursue a career in math or science because of social pressure that tells them it is unattractive to be more intelligent than boys. He brought up the point that many schools feel that girls and boys should be educated separately than boys in math and science to reduce this pressure. For middle school, I went to a Private Girls School which heavily emphasized math and science. Because of this school, I excelled in math and science and took very advanced classes in High School. I believe part of the main reason why I went there was because my parents felt this is an issue and then wanted to prevent that. Since I haven't felt the pressure myself to dumb myself down for boys, I can't really identify with this societal problem.
Next, Anderegg talks about the portrayal of nerds and how that affects a child's behavior. Since the concept of a nerd is difficult to understand, most young children believe a nerd is a suck-up, someone who pleases the adults around him. The problem that occurs with that is children that hear their parents make jokes about nerds logically believe that if they are to be liked by their parents, then they shouldn't be nerdy. This is also an idea that is foreign to me. My dad is a huge nerd but he defies the traditional stereotype of a nerd. Since I have grown up with my dad as a norm, I never really had the need to rebel. Even now, I don't really feel the negative connotation that most people associate with the term nerd. It is my secret aspiration.
The other day, before I started reading this book, I was talking with my mom.I told here that the two things that bug me the most seem like opposites. The first thing is I hate people underestimating my intelligence. This actually happens a lot. I am blond and I sometime a bit slow and sometime I do dumb things. However, I am not stupid. So, when people see me and try to dumb things down for me, it makes me really angry. The second thing is when people think I am smart. I know it sounds like a contradiction, but it is not. Before I changed my major, back when I was still an electrical engineering major, when they asked, I would tell them my major. One of the most common responses was "Oh, you must be smart." Well, my problem with that statement is to them it is not a good thing. They have just classified me as one of those "smart people" that they can't associate with because I am too smart. Now, that usually doesn't happen, but it just as insulting as if it were true.
Why do Americans look down on those who are smart? Has our success as a country pushed us so far that we believe we don't intelligence and a good work ethic? Is this why our national leadership has suffered? America, it is time to step up and reevaluate who we are and what we want.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Happy Birthday to ME!
So, today is my birthday! I am now a full two decades old. I have always had rather disappointing birthdays but this year there is nothing to be disappointed about. Yesterday I helped my mom cook my birthday dinner. Sometime this week, we will go out to Indian food as a family. I think that the best part of my birthday were all the people who wished me happy birthday. I am feeling like this is a good birthday even though I still had to go to my crappy job :)
Anyway, Here is an update on my job. I work in an office. It is a really cushy job. I make really good money. And I don't have anything to do. Now, I know what you are thinking. A job where you can do what you want and get paid for it? That is not as fun as it sounds.
My cousin had a job last summer where she was basically in the same boat I was. I thought that sounded great. Boy, was I wrong. I feel guilty doing things I want to do while I sit there, so I pretend like I am working while i covertly check my email or read webcomics (they are a disease. Don't start, they will haunt you...) At least I will have money.
Well, I am going to add music to my MP3 player, work a little and then call it a night.
'night everyone :)
Anyway, Here is an update on my job. I work in an office. It is a really cushy job. I make really good money. And I don't have anything to do. Now, I know what you are thinking. A job where you can do what you want and get paid for it? That is not as fun as it sounds.
My cousin had a job last summer where she was basically in the same boat I was. I thought that sounded great. Boy, was I wrong. I feel guilty doing things I want to do while I sit there, so I pretend like I am working while i covertly check my email or read webcomics (they are a disease. Don't start, they will haunt you...) At least I will have money.
Well, I am going to add music to my MP3 player, work a little and then call it a night.
'night everyone :)
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