Friday, September 30, 2011
JRu 12: What the world needs now is love, sweet love.
Monday, September 26, 2011
JRu 11: Joshua fit the battle...

Sunday, September 25, 2011
JRu 10: If everybody had an ocean....

Sunday, September 18, 2011
JRu 9: Shabbat Shalom
Saturday, September 17, 2011
JRu 8: Welcome to the Circus!
Friday, September 16, 2011
JRu 7: Why you Trippin'?
Saturday, September 10, 2011
JRu 6: Saturday is Sunday?
Friday, September 9, 2011
JRu 5: Wandering the Old City
Friday, September 2nd (Happy Birthday, Mom!)
- Really old churn
- A cartouche on a sea shell (In the Egyptian section)
- hanging loom
- Canaanite and Israelite artifacts
- "Sword of Laban" (the type of sword he would have had)
- The dead sea scrolls (there is actually quite a controversy about that.)
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
JRu 4: I am the Beibs (part 2)
That was the good news for the 30 of us flying Delta. The sad news was that the rest of the group was flying US Airways and they were stranded in Phoenix. Yeah. It sucks. Their flight to Philly got canceled, so they missed their flight to Tel Aviv. We hate US Airways. My family and I flew US Airways this summer and 4 of our 5 flights were delayed and one was canceled. My sister and I were so glad we were flying Delta and we had good reason to be glad.
We arrived at the center and that evening and the following day were orientation. We had our pictures taken, learned the rules, talked about the new schedule they were changing because of the late arrivals. Originally they thought that the other students wouldn't be getting her for a week. But things keep changing.
The reason I bring up the Beibs is that we feel famous. First, I took a class from one of my professors. Now he is my professor again. Plus, we are getting a lot of attention because we are sisters. We have been nicknamed the sisters Quist. Also, we were in Israel for two days about a month ago and our tour guide, Gio, is best friends with one of the directors here at the center.
When we went to go take pictures for our security cards, the security guard heard my sister's name and asked if she had been here for a month. She said no. I then explained that we had been here about a month ago. He said, "yeah, with Gio, right?" We confirmed that, but we felt so famous.
It has just been a lot of famous this week.
Monday, September 5, 2011
JRu 3: Urban Camping
"What is Urban Camping?" you ask. Well, they had 5 extra girls staying with them, so they didn't have exactly enough beds. So, my sister and I made beds on the floor using couch cushions, pillows and blankets. I actually slept well considering the random conglomeration that I was sleeping on.
We had orientation in Provo for the program. The point of the orientation is to scare us into submission. I was going in prepared and it still scared me enough to keep me from sleeping that night. They talked about getting assaulted and getting pick pocketed. I was just in Jerusalem and it wasn't a problem.
We spent the night in Salt Lake. It wasn't much of a night because we had to get up at 3:30 to be at the airport at 4:30. Yes, AM, 4:30 AM. And I didn't sleep, so our cross continent travel started off with a bang.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
JRu 2: Marry a Football Player?
- ?
Saturday, September 3, 2011
JRu 1: I feel like the Beibs
As I promised here starts my log of my time in Jerusalem. We got on our flight the morning of Tuesday, August 30, 2011, however, my journey was prefaced by a short jaunt in Utah. My sister and I left California the friday before (August 26th). Upon arrival, we took a shuttle to Temple Square. Right now at Temple Square, it is about 50/50 of sisters that I know vs. sisters I don't know, which if you do the math, is about one sister in each companionship.
Of course, that mean that I was stopped by almost every companionship to talk to them before I could walk another few yards. The problem with this was that I was trying to meet two of my companions for lunch, so the constant stopping was not really helping. However, there were a lot of sisters I wanted to see and it was great that I got to see them.
I finally met up with my two companions and we headed off to lunch. We went to a nearby food court to eat. Almost as soon as I walked in I was greeted by a missionary I was with in the MTC. She served in a different mission, but we were really close in the MTC and we wrote to each other. I was so excited to see her but rather surprised by the miracle of running into her.
Later, as I was leaving the food court, I ran into another missionary I served with. We chatted for a few minutes before I headed back to Temple Square. I was a little overwhelmed by all the people I was seeing. I am not used to getting so much attention.
As we walked around the Square, I found more sisters I knew. The best reaction came from one of my favorite sisters. I lived with her my last transfer of my mission and she was in her second transfer. As I walked into the south visitor's center, she looked at me like I had returned from the dead. She gave me a hug and touched my hair. She acted so shocked.
It was then that my sister and her friend decided that I was the Biebs (aka celebrity status like Justin Beiber). This continued as we walked around the square. I felt a little bad that they were my little possy. Sometimes it is really hard to be the Beibs.