Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

So, today is my birthday! I am now a full two decades old. I have always had rather disappointing birthdays but this year there is nothing to be disappointed about. Yesterday I helped my mom cook my birthday dinner. Sometime this week, we will go out to Indian food as a family. I think that the best part of my birthday were all the people who wished me happy birthday. I am feeling like this is a good birthday even though I still had to go to my crappy job :)

Anyway, Here is an update on my job. I work in an office. It is a really cushy job. I make really good money. And I don't have anything to do. Now, I know what you are thinking. A job where you can do what you want and get paid for it? That is not as fun as it sounds.

My cousin had a job last summer where she was basically in the same boat I was. I thought that sounded great. Boy, was I wrong. I feel guilty doing things I want to do while I sit there, so I pretend like I am working while i covertly check my email or read webcomics (they are a disease. Don't start, they will haunt you...) At least I will have money.

Well, I am going to add music to my MP3 player, work a little and then call it a night.

'night everyone :)

1 comment:

Elisa said...

I totally understand how terrible it is to be bored at work, because you just feel so guilty! Also, I totally agree, webcomics are a horrible addiction that I have to try really hard to manage. I don't allow myself to bookmark any new ones.