Sunday, February 15, 2009

Physics, friends and a math major.

It really has been a long time since I updated this. Not much is new. I have made some new friends who I hang out with a lot. I am still totally swamped with physics homework. Actually just homework in general. I am considering doing a double major in math and physics but I have to really think about that one.

I guess the thing that has been bothering me the most lately is the fact that I am being accosted on every side for not dating. The most frustrating thing about the whole dating thing is that all of the guys in my life are telling me this. Hello, instead of telling me to date, they could ask me out!

I guess I should work on that....


Anonymous said...

seriously, that is pretty annoying of your guy friends. I feel ya. Don't let them get to you, I'm sure you enjoy being single more than you will enjoy dating anyway :). my bishop told me that turning in my mission papers meant I was officially off the market. I burst out laughing and told him that I don't think I was ever ON the market.

enigmatic said...

you were always on the market. You were just hidden in the back and no one seemed to find you.

Marcindra LaPriel said...

Dating is so over-rated. Why don't you just get mail-order male?

Elisa said...

People here are annoying about dating. Honestly, I'd rather be single than go on a bunch of dates. However, I am kind of boy crazy right now, and dating someone I actually liked would be really nice...

But seriously, don't worry about it.