Mig langar að læra íslensku. Mér finnst gaman að læra íslensku, að syngja, að synda, að lesa, og að borða. Ég er að horfa á sjönvarpið og að skrifa. Ég ætla að sofa klukkan ellefu. Ég er búin að borða.
I wanted to see how much of my blog I could write in icelandic. I thought I did wonderfully mostly because I did nothing today. It is really bizarre because my roommate is going home in a few days, so she is packing up her things. It really makes me want to be going home also. I am so excited to see my family and spend time with my friends. Well, I guess I will get my chance soon enough.
Bless Bless
P. S. I love Icelandic :)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Call me Irresponsible
Today is a good day. Last night I got to see two of my favorite people! My cousin is starting school, so he is just got in Saturday night, and he came over and we ate dinner and talked. I was really fun.
I also got to see my future roommate who has been in New Zealand for the past 4 months. She ate dinner with us too and we chatted. I am so excited to hang out with both of them these next few weeks! All my other friends have left, and now I have new people to chill with!
So, today I actually got up at a decent hour, it was crazy! I never go to bed before 1, but last night I did, so when I got up at 9:30, I was very surprised with myself. It feels good to have morning. So, I guess I am off to important things!
I also got to see my future roommate who has been in New Zealand for the past 4 months. She ate dinner with us too and we chatted. I am so excited to hang out with both of them these next few weeks! All my other friends have left, and now I have new people to chill with!
So, today I actually got up at a decent hour, it was crazy! I never go to bed before 1, but last night I did, so when I got up at 9:30, I was very surprised with myself. It feels good to have morning. So, I guess I am off to important things!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Everybody's going to love today!
So, I am cooking dinner tomorrow for my cousin. I haven't seen him since he got back to the states. I am totally excited. It will be delicious. I am about to leave for the grocery store.
I made chocolate chip cookies today. They are very yummy, if I do say so myself. I have recently discovered how much I like to cook and do dishes for that matter. I think I want to make asparagus tomorrow, that would be really yummy!
I am really excited for this coming week because my cousin just got here, and my friend just came home. It is going to be such a party, Whoohoo!
Anyway, I am off to the grocer.
I made chocolate chip cookies today. They are very yummy, if I do say so myself. I have recently discovered how much I like to cook and do dishes for that matter. I think I want to make asparagus tomorrow, that would be really yummy!
I am really excited for this coming week because my cousin just got here, and my friend just came home. It is going to be such a party, Whoohoo!
Anyway, I am off to the grocer.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Tomorrow We'll Discover What Our God in Heaven has in store...
One More Dawn,
One More Day,
One Day More...
So, yesterday I finished finals. It is really weird not having things to do. I have a few weeks left where I will pack and finish my online classes and party. But it is really weird not having a set of things I have to do each day. I really want structure in my life, because I want to be productive, but I don't know what activities I want to actively purse.
Maybe I should make a list:
-finish online classes
-spend time with friends
-learn Ágætis Byrjun on the piano
-work on Icelandic
-work on my Resumé
- now, I am starting to draw a blank, any suggestions?
One More Day,
One Day More...
So, yesterday I finished finals. It is really weird not having things to do. I have a few weeks left where I will pack and finish my online classes and party. But it is really weird not having a set of things I have to do each day. I really want structure in my life, because I want to be productive, but I don't know what activities I want to actively purse.
Maybe I should make a list:
-finish online classes
-spend time with friends
-learn Ágætis Byrjun on the piano
-work on Icelandic
-work on my Resumé
- now, I am starting to draw a blank, any suggestions?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
But I feel so gay in a melancholy way, that it might as well be spring
It is spring! I never realized how boring life is when you don't have things going on. I don't have any finals until Tuesday of next week, so I don't have anything to do. I am so bored.
Actually, I have a lot to do, I just don't want to study. I do want to go outside and play all the time. Why can't I do that? Well, I guess that gets pretty boring pretty quick too. I really like Michael Bublé. I am listening to him right now. Everything, in particular. This has been one of my favorite songs for a while now. I want to find someone who is my everything and I want to be there everything.
I went to my friend's bridal shower today and it twas delightful. I am so happy for her. She has found such a wonderful person to marry and they compliment each other perfectly. It is still a little weird for me to think that I am at an age where I could be married. I still feel like such a child. I don't have everything under control, but I guess I live on my own for most of the year and keep my self alive. That's saying something.
Well, I'm off to enjoy friendship and good weather! :)
Actually, I have a lot to do, I just don't want to study. I do want to go outside and play all the time. Why can't I do that? Well, I guess that gets pretty boring pretty quick too. I really like Michael Bublé. I am listening to him right now. Everything, in particular. This has been one of my favorite songs for a while now. I want to find someone who is my everything and I want to be there everything.
I went to my friend's bridal shower today and it twas delightful. I am so happy for her. She has found such a wonderful person to marry and they compliment each other perfectly. It is still a little weird for me to think that I am at an age where I could be married. I still feel like such a child. I don't have everything under control, but I guess I live on my own for most of the year and keep my self alive. That's saying something.
Well, I'm off to enjoy friendship and good weather! :)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
No life can escape being blown about by the winds of change and chance.
And though you never know all the step, you must learn to join the dance.
It seems like a lot of things are changing right now in my life. It is hard to be this age because I am stuck between being an adult and a child. I miss my childhood but I do enjoy being an adult. It is hard to make choices about what to do with my time because I am stuck between two different states. I have friends and family here at school and I have friends and family back home.
My family bought a new house back home. I am totally excited for this summer, but it is a little bitter sweet. Things are always changing and I am always getting older. As much as I want to be a child again, I can't be one.
The song I quoted at the beginning was from The Prince of Egypt. I find that some of the greatest things I learn don't come from books, but from songs, movies, plays, books, contemplation and the example of others. I am so glad that we are all individuals and we have different opinions, thoughts, values and we make different choices. I appreciate the differences of the world. Life would be so boring if we were all the same.
Being in University has been a bit of a transition for me. I had a hard time putting myself out there, but I realize that having friends is totally worth the amount of embarrassment/awkwardness that comes with meeting new people. I used to celebrate in the fact that I was a dork, but now I try to hide it. I think a lot of that come with the territory. The social undercurrents of my school are seriously messed up.
Seriously, people are SO frustrating sometimes. Anyway, I found this clip and it reminded me of my childhood (I actually very strongly remember this specific scene.) Enjoy :)
It seems like a lot of things are changing right now in my life. It is hard to be this age because I am stuck between being an adult and a child. I miss my childhood but I do enjoy being an adult. It is hard to make choices about what to do with my time because I am stuck between two different states. I have friends and family here at school and I have friends and family back home.
My family bought a new house back home. I am totally excited for this summer, but it is a little bitter sweet. Things are always changing and I am always getting older. As much as I want to be a child again, I can't be one.
The song I quoted at the beginning was from The Prince of Egypt. I find that some of the greatest things I learn don't come from books, but from songs, movies, plays, books, contemplation and the example of others. I am so glad that we are all individuals and we have different opinions, thoughts, values and we make different choices. I appreciate the differences of the world. Life would be so boring if we were all the same.
Being in University has been a bit of a transition for me. I had a hard time putting myself out there, but I realize that having friends is totally worth the amount of embarrassment/awkwardness that comes with meeting new people. I used to celebrate in the fact that I was a dork, but now I try to hide it. I think a lot of that come with the territory. The social undercurrents of my school are seriously messed up.
Seriously, people are SO frustrating sometimes. Anyway, I found this clip and it reminded me of my childhood (I actually very strongly remember this specific scene.) Enjoy :)
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Where are the hopes? Where are the dreams? My Cinderella story scene? When do you think they'll finally see?
Life is good. I don't know why? I have so much to do for school, but i think maybe it is because I am doing theatre again. I have new friends that make me happy. why haven't I been doing it all along. I also found the funniest comic ever :)
I played racquetball today. I baked cookies yesterday. I am listening to Avril Lavigne. School is almost over. I get to see my cousin in a couple of weeks. I might have three jobs lined up over the summer. What else could be better? oh, yeah, the weather...
Brosandi :)
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Sing to me the song of the stars.
I was watching a walk to remember. It made me think that I should make a list of things that I want to do before I die. It has turned into more of a list of things I want to do to enjoy life more. I think it is a fun read :)
- visit Iceland and used my new Icelandic skills.
- live abroad
- learn french
- write music
- learn how to crochet, knit, and sew, well
- stay up all night just watching the stars
- see the wonders of the world
- learn Latin
- become a good bowler
- be able to play the guitar like no one's business
- love so deeply that it hurts to breathe
- get married in the temple
- have a family
- learn to enjoy life
- harmonize my life to God's plan
- learn to cook
- create an environment on warmth and comfort around me
- dance in the rain
- learn to ballroom dance
- cultivate a garden
- learn as much as I can
- learn from those around me
- learn from the past
- cry like the world is ending
- smile more
- be a light to those around me
- act well my part, for therein lies the honor
- sing songs that touch souls
- refine my photography ability
- enjoy nature more
- go on more picnics
- spend money on the things that are important
- love without restraint
- mow the lawn once
- learn about cars
- wean myself off my tv addiction
- take care of another person
- serve those in need
- win a noble prize (well, maybe not. It would be cool though)
- own a hammock and fall asleep in it
- wish upon a shooting star
- make memories and take pictures
- keep in touch with those I love
- enjoy life, a lot
- live, love and learn :)
Thursday, April 3, 2008
I am slowly going crazy. 1-2-3-4-5-6 switch
This week has been intense. I have so much to do, and I am really afraid that I am going to fail. I think I have decided that I want to go home spring and summer because I really miss my family. I won't have a crazy number of friends here, and then I can relax after taking the huge amount of classes. I will miss hanging out with my cousin and Marcindra. Fortunately, I believe that I will stay a few weeks after the semester ends so that I can finish my online classes and hang out with them.
Anyway, I stared this post yesterday, and I am finishing it today. Today is a good day. I am already getting lots of stuff done that I need to get done. Yay me!
Anyway, I stared this post yesterday, and I am finishing it today. Today is a good day. I am already getting lots of stuff done that I need to get done. Yay me!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
My Awesome Life...
This weekend is fantastic! It started with my good friend spending the night. We went to the brick oven, then my roommate's orchestra concert. Then we went home and watched Stardust. Saturday we woke up and went to enrichment for my releif society, then my friend went home.

I got ready for my play in Icelandic. We are so silly. The play was and excerpt from a Norse saga called Njálssaga. The play is about Gunnar. Previously, he had killed a whole bunch of people when he was defending himself, so he was legally considered an outlaw. So, the family of the men he killed come to seek revenge. I played Gunnar's wife, and at one point in the play Gunnar comes and asks me to use my hair to fix his bow. I say "Liggur þér nokkuð við?" (which means: Does anything depend on it?) He says, "Only my life." I reply with "Þá skal ég nú muna þér kinnhestin og hirði ég aldrei hvort pú verð þig lengur eða skimmur." (translation: "I remember when you hit me, so I will not help you and leave you to your fate.) Needless to say, everyone gets mad at me, and my husband dies.

I got ready for my play in Icelandic. We are so silly. The play was and excerpt from a Norse saga called Njálssaga. The play is about Gunnar. Previously, he had killed a whole bunch of people when he was defending himself, so he was legally considered an outlaw. So, the family of the men he killed come to seek revenge. I played Gunnar's wife, and at one point in the play Gunnar comes and asks me to use my hair to fix his bow. I say "Liggur þér nokkuð við?" (which means: Does anything depend on it?) He says, "Only my life." I reply with "Þá skal ég nú muna þér kinnhestin og hirði ég aldrei hvort pú verð þig lengur eða skimmur." (translation: "I remember when you hit me, so I will not help you and leave you to your fate.) Needless to say, everyone gets mad at me, and my husband dies.
We finished performing and my roommate, who is in the class with me, and I went and took pictures in our costumes. We went all over campus and took awesome pictures. It was really fun.

Afterward I came home and got ready to go to the color festival. At the Hari-Krishna temple they celebrate the coming of spring with the festival of Holi. During this festival we ate and watched some entertainment. Then they lit a bonfire and everyone started throwing colored powder at each other. It was lots of fun.
I had a fantastic weekend and got to explore other cultures. I love my life :)

Afterward I came home and got ready to go to the color festival. At the Hari-Krishna temple they celebrate the coming of spring with the festival of Holi. During this festival we ate and watched some entertainment. Then they lit a bonfire and everyone started throwing colored powder at each other. It was lots of fun.
I had a fantastic weekend and got to explore other cultures. I love my life :)
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