Saturday, April 26, 2008

Everybody's going to love today!

So, I am cooking dinner tomorrow for my cousin. I haven't seen him since he got back to the states. I am totally excited. It will be delicious. I am about to leave for the grocery store.

I made chocolate chip cookies today. They are very yummy, if I do say so myself. I have recently discovered how much I like to cook and do dishes for that matter. I think I want to make asparagus tomorrow, that would be really yummy!

I am really excited for this coming week because my cousin just got here, and my friend just came home. It is going to be such a party, Whoohoo!

Anyway, I am off to the grocer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yum, friend and I bought a huge tub of chocolate chip cookie dough at Costco...and all we've done is eaten the dough. It's almost gone, and we just got it 3 days ago :). Yum...