I got ready for my play in Icelandic. We are so silly. The play was and excerpt from a Norse saga called Njálssaga. The play is about Gunnar. Previously, he had killed a whole bunch of people when he was defending himself, so he was legally considered an outlaw. So, the family of the men he killed come to seek revenge. I played Gunnar's wife, and at one point in the play Gunnar comes and asks me to use my hair to fix his bow. I say "Liggur þér nokkuð við?" (which means: Does anything depend on it?) He says, "Only my life." I reply with "Þá skal ég nú muna þér kinnhestin og hirði ég aldrei hvort pú verð þig lengur eða skimmur." (translation: "I remember when you hit me, so I will not help you and leave you to your fate.) Needless to say, everyone gets mad at me, and my husband dies.
We finished performing and my roommate, who is in the class with me, and I went and took pictures in our costumes. We went all over campus and took awesome pictures. It was really fun.

Afterward I came home and got ready to go to the color festival. At the Hari-Krishna temple they celebrate the coming of spring with the festival of Holi. During this festival we ate and watched some entertainment. Then they lit a bonfire and everyone started throwing colored powder at each other. It was lots of fun.
I had a fantastic weekend and got to explore other cultures. I love my life :)

Afterward I came home and got ready to go to the color festival. At the Hari-Krishna temple they celebrate the coming of spring with the festival of Holi. During this festival we ate and watched some entertainment. Then they lit a bonfire and everyone started throwing colored powder at each other. It was lots of fun.
I had a fantastic weekend and got to explore other cultures. I love my life :)
1 comment:
I am so happy you are having a happier life right now! I'm happy we'll be living together and that you have a major and that you go to concerts and plays and eat warm cookies and sing songs and that it's spring and I'm just so dang happy that you've been such a good blogger. *pats on back*
Seriously, I have much to learn from your frequent postings.
You're awesome. I miss the way I laugh with you. I'm excited to play!
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