Sunday, April 5, 2009

And my eyes were opened

It is curious how blind I can be sometimes. I walk through life thinking I know what is going on. Thinking I know what is right. I am glad that I go to church, listen to conference, read my scriptures and pray. Today my eyes were opened twice. I was able to see my life with new perspective.

The first was conference. It was wonderful listening to the prophets and apostles talk about the things we need to here. It reminded me of something I discovered earlier this semester. I realized that nothing gospel related will ever be addictive. It is part of our agency and no matter what, we will always have to make a conscious choice to choose the right whether that is choosing to go to the temple on a regular basis or choosing to read the scriptures daily. It will never be an "addiction."

Addictions of any kind are part of Satan's "plan." I realized that I have addictions that are getting in my way. I am not addicted to pornography or drugs but I am addicted to small things that are not bad things of themselves but they are pulling me away from the good things I could be doing. I need to remember that I can choose to be addicted or to do the things I should be doing.

The other thing I realized today was that I have been thinking about the temple in the wrong way. I am trying to prepare myself for my mission and for entering the temple so I have been spending more time studying about those things. I realized today, through study and talking to a friend of mine, that I have had the wrong perspective about the temple. The temple is a place I should want to go, which I do, but it is also a place where I will make serious covenants and I need to understand the gravity of what I am doing. I am grateful that with the Lord's help I can be ready to enter the temple when the time comes.


Stacie Lou said...

Just on the note about the temple, if you have the chance to read Boyd K. Packer's "The Holy Temple" I recommend reading it. Not only does it talk about how the temple is a nice place, but it also talks about the purpose of the covenants, the origin of the covenants and the personal importance of the covenants.

PS: You are wonderful. I'm sorry I missed you the other day. Can we try again?

Karryn said...

Thanks for these thoughts, Nicole. I think your addictions comments are very insightful. i'm going to have to noodle over my own "addictions"!