Saturday, April 18, 2009

Suddenly I see...

So, girls are usually pretty self conscious; that is why we like compliments. Each girl is different and it depending on the girl, it depends how self conscious she is. I am mostly bringing this up because being a girl, I am also self conscious. Now usually, I don't think about it that much. I have a pretty good self esteem, I don't care what I look like which is why I don't usually wear make-up (although my roommates are taking me over to the dark side....)

So, I think I usually act like I don't care what people think of me but I actually think about it more than I would like. Sometimes, I am a really mean person and it makes me kind of sad when I realize that I am being mean or have been mean. So, sometimes I don't know how many people actually like me.

Last night I had a really good time over at a friend's house. We played Guitar Hero and socialized for a while. I realized that people actually like me. It is really nice knowing people actually like you, you know?

On a semi related note, I sometimes wonder how people perceive me. I am sure I don't know what people think of me because I am biased. I actually know why I make all my decisions but how does that come across when I am with other people? I love personality analysis, so sometimes I want to ask people what they really think of me.

Anyway, enough about me. Last night at my friend's house I made some really good friends and now I am kicking myself that I didn't become friends with them earlier and actually spent time doing fun things together. Oh, well. There isn't much I can do about it now except move on. *Sigh*


Elisa said...

I feel that way at the end of every year. I always seem to meet the people I want to be friends with just as I'm leaving! I think people finally start being social just as they realize that it's almost over.

enigmatic said...

It's killing me. I don't know what I am going to do with myself!

Stacie Lou said...

Guess what! I actually like you too! Hooray!

And I think you are wonderful. I perceive you as being sweet and fun and wonderful and a great person to talk to.

enigmatic said...

Thanks Stacie. I like you too!